Loony for Loons
Howdy, Neighbor. People have been telling Phil he’s a good storyteller for a long time… so we are trying something new and pretty-much non-sales Just sharing occasional sweet stories, tall tales, and life lessons learned around these parts. Northwoods Notes are a new, semi-bi-irregular peek into the heart and mind of Phil Frasier… you can read or listen… whichever you prefer… and you are receiving a copy because you’re a current customer of Frasier’s Plumbing and Heating, Inc. We think you’ll like them, but you can unsubscribe any time by clicking on the link at the bottom. But we hope you give us a chance!
By now, unless something got to the eggs, the baby loons have most likely hatched here in the Northwoods.
Unfortunately, many of them aren’t long for this world.
Eagles, muskie, pike… they’re always gunning for our baby loons.
But the ones that DO make it are a sight to behold.
Loons return to the same nesting sites every spring. Some loons live to be 30 years old.
Several years back I was following a baby Loon around the lake behind my house so I could take photos and post videos on Facebook.
One day, as I was out muskie fishing, I spotted a little fuzzball out in the distance. As I trolled towards it, I was thinking to myself, “There’s no way…”
But it was. It was the baby loon. All by itself.
The mother was a good four-hundred yards away. And that’s not a good place to be when you’re a baby loon.
I kept right up with the baby loon until I was able to rejoin it with its mother.
Had an eagle swooped in, my little feathered friend would’ve been a goner.
I’m happy to report that baby loon grew up and flew off to find a lake of his own to call home.
Because that’s what Loons do.
I love loons. I guess you could say I’m “looney” for loons.
The sounds they make are soothing to me. In fact, it’s the ringtone on my phone.
What about you? Do you have any stories of resident loons here in the Northwoods? I’d love to hear ‘em.
Take care, neighbor. Take good care.
P.S. – If you’re interested in learning more about loons, visit www.loonproject.org

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